Not just vocab - a whole new way to communicate
Sometimes when you study for a new language you tend to see it as a list of new vocab that you have to remember. But that is not what language is all about. Another language can open a new door to countless new possibilities and views. Language isn't formulas and facts, language is alive. It's used every day and it wants to be used by you! Check out these videos, clips and pictures from Germany.
Time phrases from 2.8 in action in this classic Disney movie
Movies are always dubbed in Germany. Can you pick out the family vocab in this German Percy Jackson trailer? 3.1
"Weihnachten bei Hoppenstedts" A classic Loriot skit about a quirky family's Christmas celebration.
The word "Schadenfreude," comes from German and means: happiness at the misfortune of others. Germans love slapstick!
German TV-Show: Verstehen Sie Spaß? Can you pick out the two meanings of "bitte drücken"??
Loriot was one of Germany's most beloved comedian. In this sketch "The picture is lopsided" he makes fun of the German need for complete accuracy!
And because it's so much fun, here another practical joke from the TV show "Verstehen Sie Spaß?"
Fancover in German of the summer hit "What does the fox say?" "Was sagt der Fuchs dann?"